Thursday, September 9, 2010

This is not a real post....

No really I swear I am not posting....
I have way to much to do today.  What with lil' sis, Monkey boy, and Callalily coming in 2 days, I really shouldn't be spending time rambling here. 
But if I were, I would like to say thank you for the comments!  Very exciting to know that someone has actually found this helpful.  Also if I were really posting, I would have to refer to something I read on Secular HS Forum (the best forum ever!).  Anyway, new saying I'm going to start using daily- "Butter my Butt, and call me Biscuit".  Okay so now that I've pulled myself up off the floor.  Just to let you all know I am not from the South originally, so these little colloquialism's are quite new to me.  I also really like a few other saying (taglines?) posted on SHSF they are:

I have seen your village... and I do NOT want it raising my children !

I am not pushing my children! They are pulling me along, kicking and screaming all the way.

Sometimes it is just easier to say, "Never Mind,"  ( I'll do it myself !)

I changed a few little words but you get the gist.  Very funny, and so true!

Punk'in girl tried out a few math games today.  Most got an okay rating( Johnnie's is better she says).  So I think we might add them for some "fun math time" (now if that isn't an oxymoron!)  here's some links:

Okay since I wasn't here I don't have to say goodbye!

Usbourne Encyclopedia's

I purchased Usbourne's Science and History of the World  from Amazon.(herein after referred to as u.s.e. and u.w.h, 'cause otherwise I'll never get done with this post!)  First I was a little tee'd off at Amazon for being "out of Stock" on u.w.h. in paperback(new), but having other sellers for exact same price (used!).  I got the overpriced USED book anyway.  The Science book was same price hardback new.... go figure? 
Anyway enough about annoying Amazon.
U.S.E. - is a great reference book.  Gives all of the highlights you'd want with some detail.  These books are "Internet linked".  Which means if you go to the Usborne Quicklinks website and put in your page number you'll get links to various useful websites.  I really like the book.  It's got great images and is written so even my 4th grader can understand, yet won't bore an older child.  I'll explain at the end of the post how I'm putting these books to use.
U.W.H. - is better then great.  It also gives highlights and some detail, but the Quicklinks is spectacular.  I love the Catal Huyuk section of the book.  Only one page in the encyclopedia, but there are links to digs going on in the Mid East.  These are fun and educational, my kids can't get enough. 

What I also like about both is that they give you just the highlights, not too much detail.  I am using these books as the structure of our course work. 
I should mention that I have started designing our studies from the ground up this year.  We have spent the last 3 years using textbooks. Mostly used Public School crap, since the boxed curriculum for HS'ers is so religious.  Year after year it's the same thing, just regurgitated and spewed back out.  So this year we're going to learn something new! 
My plan is to section off the various pages in the encyclopedia's into "chapters".  With the basic info and the amazing Quicklinks, as well as fiction (often referred to as "living" books) added in for a  richer learning experience.  I'm going to try to post each days assignments to give you the idea of what were working on. 
I would actually appreciate any and all recommendations for "living" books you might have.  The more "classical" the better.  I plan on using a lot of free books from the Gutenberg Project( amazing resource!).  In fact I have found a great many books by author G.A. Henty.  We really like Adventure stories in my house and that is exactly what he writes.  So starting on the 9/13 look for our schedule and if I can keep up, some lesson plans.

Here's a link you should check out   .  Not a lot of full length video's but what they have are really well done. 

I'm not an "unschooler" but I really like this post on ...p.s. bohemian's blog, here's the link-

Okay, I think that's all for now.  I'm going to be cleaning everything in my house over the next few days.  This is in anticipation of the "Invasion of the Baby Bump".  My little sister who's belly (I've been told) resembles a beach ball/watermelon will be arriving Saturday for an extended visit.  My Daddy (yes I still call him Daddy) is bringing her, Monkey 9, and Calla-Lily, 3(not the children's real names) to stay until the baby is born.  She's been told to stay off her feet (we will NOT call it bed rest unless we want our heads removed) so I get to be stand in Mommy for a few weeks.  She also Homeschools her children so it should be a madhouse around here for awhile.  I really am looking forward to it... no really I swear!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Late night ramblings.....

So it's very late, thus the title.  I have been catching up on a new show I like, A&E's The Glades, while surfing for grammar in another window.  We had started out the year using Editor in Chief- Beginning.  It's not doing it for us.  Which really, really sucks, I got it new, at a used bookstore for like $2!  So now after hours wasted looking , it seems I'm going to have to put something together myself.  Not an unusual decision for me, but still frustrating.  It's not that there aren't great programs out there I'm sure.  I'm just unwilling to $pend more then $10 to find out if it's a dud or not.  So for those of you like me (frugal not tightwad) here's a good site with some basic grammar.  .  Also a little trick I've picked up along the way..... if you go to those curriculum sites they often have samples you can either download or copy.  I do have to say that I am still considering Jr. Analytical Grammar ( ).   But I've read some so-so reviews, so I'm really waffling. 
So about Cosmeo.  At first it seemed like great site for little money.  Over the weekend I was looking for some video's on Mesopotamia and plant cell biology.  They had video's for both!  The problem is that either the sound or picture was messed up on all of them.  There seem to only be a few sources they use that work well.  Really liked the video on early American settlements.  In the end though I'm going to have to cancel.  I can find what I need elsewhere, for free, it just takes longer.  Just by the way, really love Usbourne Encyclopedia's (science and history)  I plan to devote a whole post to them!  During daylight hours, when my brain isn't fried. Yawn.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Taking the day off...

So we recently decided to have "fun" Friday's.  For seasoned HSer's you know what this is.  We play geography games, do outside activities, watch Edutainment video's.  Instead today we decided to have a "lazy" Thursday.  The kids are going to be kicking themselves tomorrow when they have to take a Spelling quiz, and study about the differences between   Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, but hey they out voted me.  I can usually count on the little one to be on my side.  That's okay I spent the day on the net and my favorite forum and found out about Khan Academy  or
very cool!  It's a must see.  You can read an article that quotes Bill Gates expressing his positive views on Khan's video's here
I would recommend them to the 11 and up crowd, unless you want to stop every few minutes and explain some of the terms.  Really great if you need to brush up on your Biology, or Algebra the night before you teach a lesson (yes I am speaking from experience).  My Alex is a very smart kid, (watches Mythbusters and Extreme Engineering for fun) so we are going to try them straight and see what he grasps.  

I am really liking for math.  I'm going to try using it as "practice" instead of printing W.S.   We hate, hate, hate, math worksheets.  And they, especially Aubrey, really liked ixl.  It may get old after a couple months but it's easy to cancel or just take a break from.  What I really like about it is that it actually tells you which "standard's" each practice goes with.  Also ixl keeps really good track of progress.  Only issue you might have is that it does not teach them new material.  You have to explain new concepts, then put them to work. So some might balk at the $10 a month fee, just so you don't have to print a bazillion worksheets that never get done, because everyone ends up crying.  Oh is that just my house? 

Last on today's list my Usborne Internet Linked Books finally arrived today (free shipping takes sooooooo long!)  I have Encyclopedia of World History  and Science Encyclopedia.  I haven't had the time to more then glance through them yet.  I think it will be my weekend project.  Since any thought of going to the beach this holiday weekend is OUT.  Jase even took Tuesday off.  Stinkin' EARL!!!  So maybe Tuesday I can review them.  Then again, I am so far behind on my hulu shows I may just veg out in front of the TV for four days. 

New to Blogging...

So as the headline says, I'm new to blogging. The idea that other people might be interested in what I have to say is strange.  But I often find myself checking out other people's blogs for ideas and links to the things I'm interested in.  So that's what  kind of blog I'm going to write.  All about the things I'm interested in, that you might be interested in also.

So to start with you might have noticed the name of this little blog.. yep that's right HOMESCHOOL.  We are happy homeschooling fools.  I should make a point that we are SECULAR.  No I am not yelling this.  Just want to make sure that if you're doing a quick scan you know this right up front.  That does NOT (still not yelling) mean we are anti-religion.  It just means that religion is not the reason we homeschool.
So your question might be "why do you homeschool?"  My children although very intelligent, have never done well in the Public School environment.  Alex, 9 is without a doubt a Visual-Spatial Learner (more on that later).  He dawdles (I love that word, makes me think of ducks) over everything.  While in first grade his teacher always kept him inside during recess.  All the other kids got to go out to play, but my son had to finish his work.  This teacher, would complain that my son was easily distracted, fidgeted constantly, and didn't pay attention to her (duh! He was 6).  She seemed to take it personally.  Like he was doing it just to tick her off.  He started homeschooling the next week. 

Aubrey on the other hand did very well with the work.  She soaked up everything they had to teach her.  Her teacher's (wonderful, Miss Robyn) only complaint was that she talked to much.  But her being so adorable she was easily forgiven.  For Aubrey though, the problem wasn't school, it was other girls.  As we all know grade school can be hell for a sensitive child.  She could never understand how this little girl would be her friend one day and be mean to her the next.  It got to the point that she came home crying every day.  I was told by the principal that children have to learn to deal with each other.  My suggestion that Aubrey tell the other girl she would speak/ play with her anymore was not met with much approval (they called it emotional blackmail).  I would not allow my child to be in an environment that did little to punish bullies, nor encourage the bullied to stick up for themselves.

Most of all I hate the idea of someone I don't know raising my child for me.  Teaching them their idea of right and wrong.  Telling them when they can use the bathroom, how long they have to eat, when they can speak.  For me Public school seems to be a very expensive form of obedience training, can you say "Sit. Good dog!"

So there you have it.
Now for the good stuff!
Cool Homeschool Links
I recently found this site
It is a PAY site. They do offer a free trial.  Lots of video's and games from Discovery and other school type places.  Also some very good games for math and grammar ( from ) included in the price. After the 1 month free trial it's only $10/mo.  I'm still in my free trial phase, but I will give an update at the end of it.
Also a must for homeschoolers is  very, very good money saving site.  They get special prices on curriculum.  Plus they have free stuff too.
Last but certainly not least is a great forum  Lots of wonderful and experienced homeschoolers who are always happy to help you.