Tuesday, March 8, 2011

All I can say is Grrrrrr.....

So I had every intention of posting yesterday about how our first day back to a full schedule went.... since I didn't you can assume, not so well.  School was alright, nothing to exciting yet.  Getting the feel For WritingWithEase, GettingStartedWithLatin, SpectrumGrammar, and SpellingWorkOut (see capital letters? future abbreviations).  I like WWE, the kids seem to be lukewarm to it.  I'm okay with SWO, I'm not sure if it's enough, the kids love it 'cause there's not a bunch of writing to do.  SG is okay for now, they got it done anyway.  We're also using a free (thank you Google Books) vintage text called Grammarland.  I'm adding in exercises to help reinforce the skills from the reading.  Turtle hates Latin, "Why do we have to learn a language no one uses?"  Mouse is taking to it like a Roman.  I spent so much on Science this year, CPO EarthScience and Prentice Hall EarthScience, I had to forgo using some fancy math curriculum.  Instead we went with the Scott Foresman series, it cost me $15 for both kids, that included the WB's.  I expect it to take Turtle about 6 mos. to get through.  Mouse is a VERY verbal child, I have to restrain mysel from telling her she's making my ears bleed.  Her math skills, not so hot.  We are working on it, and she is remaining upbeat about it.

That said, Sasha the Dachshund peed ON the couch, pooped in the bathroom, the car overheated, ants invaded my cabinets, and I had the headache from hell.  Then DH calls and starts telling me that this job we moved 70 miles for might be about to end sooner then we thought.  Luckily we already started putting out feelers for a new place (another interview tomorrow) but I am not ready to move right away if the company goes belly up next week. So that was yesterday... today has gone only slightly better, more on that later.....

Monday, March 7, 2011

I started this "blog" in hopes of it helping me keep on track, also just for fun.  My world has went upside down then rightside up so many times since then I just gave up on the idea.  My sister and her 2 1/2 DC came for a long visit, Monkey Boy is the same age as my own Turtle, Squirrel is 3 1/2 years younger then my Mouse.  It makes for very interesting, ( think Lord of the Flies) dynamic.  We were living in a temorary situation (apartmet *shudder)  we have since moved to a big, old, house in the country.  DH is job hunting, current position is just not working out.  So we are looking at moving again..... *weeping**I can't do it! Not AGAIN, not so soon, more weeping. Okay, better now.  So forget all that!  We are trudging ahead with our school plans, we start the "new" year today! Yeah!  Really, I'm trying to psych myself up, as I let the kids waller around on the couch.  I keep threatening, "15 minutes, and then we have to get to work!"  I'm such a liar.  I was going to post  what I have planned for the day, but then I would be very upset/embarassed when I had to edit the post removing all the thing I didn't get done.... so instead I'll just post a sencond time, save myself some blushing.