Thursday, September 9, 2010

This is not a real post....

No really I swear I am not posting....
I have way to much to do today.  What with lil' sis, Monkey boy, and Callalily coming in 2 days, I really shouldn't be spending time rambling here. 
But if I were, I would like to say thank you for the comments!  Very exciting to know that someone has actually found this helpful.  Also if I were really posting, I would have to refer to something I read on Secular HS Forum (the best forum ever!).  Anyway, new saying I'm going to start using daily- "Butter my Butt, and call me Biscuit".  Okay so now that I've pulled myself up off the floor.  Just to let you all know I am not from the South originally, so these little colloquialism's are quite new to me.  I also really like a few other saying (taglines?) posted on SHSF they are:

I have seen your village... and I do NOT want it raising my children !

I am not pushing my children! They are pulling me along, kicking and screaming all the way.

Sometimes it is just easier to say, "Never Mind,"  ( I'll do it myself !)

I changed a few little words but you get the gist.  Very funny, and so true!

Punk'in girl tried out a few math games today.  Most got an okay rating( Johnnie's is better she says).  So I think we might add them for some "fun math time" (now if that isn't an oxymoron!)  here's some links:

Okay since I wasn't here I don't have to say goodbye!

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just enjoy when they sometimes find math fun? Now if it can only be like that all the time.
