Monday, September 6, 2010

Late night ramblings.....

So it's very late, thus the title.  I have been catching up on a new show I like, A&E's The Glades, while surfing for grammar in another window.  We had started out the year using Editor in Chief- Beginning.  It's not doing it for us.  Which really, really sucks, I got it new, at a used bookstore for like $2!  So now after hours wasted looking , it seems I'm going to have to put something together myself.  Not an unusual decision for me, but still frustrating.  It's not that there aren't great programs out there I'm sure.  I'm just unwilling to $pend more then $10 to find out if it's a dud or not.  So for those of you like me (frugal not tightwad) here's a good site with some basic grammar.  .  Also a little trick I've picked up along the way..... if you go to those curriculum sites they often have samples you can either download or copy.  I do have to say that I am still considering Jr. Analytical Grammar ( ).   But I've read some so-so reviews, so I'm really waffling. 
So about Cosmeo.  At first it seemed like great site for little money.  Over the weekend I was looking for some video's on Mesopotamia and plant cell biology.  They had video's for both!  The problem is that either the sound or picture was messed up on all of them.  There seem to only be a few sources they use that work well.  Really liked the video on early American settlements.  In the end though I'm going to have to cancel.  I can find what I need elsewhere, for free, it just takes longer.  Just by the way, really love Usbourne Encyclopedia's (science and history)  I plan to devote a whole post to them!  During daylight hours, when my brain isn't fried. Yawn.

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